Launch External Merge Tool For Sourcetree Mac

Customize External Source Control to Use MATLAB for Diff and Merge

Note about file extensions: Git doesn't allow to configure external tools by extension (as Tortoise Git does). So if you configure the SemanticMerge, it will be run for all files when you decide to launch 'external diff or merge tool'. I use Git, SourceTree and Xcode on a Mac Lion machine. But I think I need an 'External Diff' tool. To use the MATLAB diff tool from within SourceTree, right-click a modified file under Unstaged files and select External Diff. To use the MATLAB merge tool when SourceTree detects a merge conflict, select the Uncommitted changes branch, right-click a modified file, and select Resolve Conflicts Launch External Merge Tool. To use the MATLAB diff tool from within SourceTree, right-click a modified file under Unstaged files and select External Diff. To use the MATLAB merge tool when SourceTree detects a merge conflict, select the Uncommitted changes branch, right-click a modified file, and select Resolve Conflicts Launch External Merge Tool. Print a list of merge tools that may be used with -tool.-y -no-prompt. Don’t prompt before each invocation of the merge resolution program. This is the default if the merge resolution program is explicitly specified with the -tool option or with the merge.tool configuration variable.-prompt.

You can customize external source control tools to use the MATLAB® Comparison Tool for diff and merge. If you want to compare MATLAB files such as live scripts, MAT, SLX, or MDL files from your source control tool, then you can configure your source control tool to open the MATLAB Comparison Tool. The MATLAB Comparison Tool provides tools for merging MathWorks® files and is compatible with popular software configuration management and version control systems. You can use the automerge tool with Git™ to automatically merge branches that contain changes in different subsystems in the same SLX file.

To set up your source control tool to use MATLAB as the application for diff and merge, you must first determine the full paths of the mlDiff, mlMerge, and mlAutoMerge executable files, and then follow the recommended steps for the source control tool you are using.

Finding the Full Paths for MATLAB Diff, Merge, and AutoMerge

To get the required file paths and enable external source control tools to reuse open MATLAB sessions, run this command in MATLAB:

This command sets the MATLAB preference, under Comparison, called Allow external source control tools to use open MATLAB sessions for diffs and merges.

This command also displays the file paths to copy and paste into your source control tool setup:

  • On Windows®:

  • On Linux®:

  • On Mac:

Launch external merge tool for sourcetree mac download

where matlabroot is replaced with the full path to your installation, for example, C:Program FilesMATLABR2020b.


Your diff and merge operations use open MATLAB sessions when available, and only open MATLAB when necessary. The operations only use the specified MATLAB installation.

Integration with Git

Command Line

Launch External Merge Tool For Sourcetree Mac File

To configure MATLAB diff and merge tools with command-line Git:

  1. Run this command in MATLAB.

    This command displays the full paths of the mlDiff, mlMerge, and mlAutoMerge executable files. It also automatically populates the global .gitconfig file. For example:


    You need to do step 1 only once for your Git setup.

  2. Configure your repository to use the mlAutoMerge executable file. Open the .gitattributes file in your repository and add:

    Now, when you merge branches that contain changes in different subsystems in the same SLX file, MATLAB handles the merge automatically.

To run the MATLAB diff and merge tools from command-line Git, use git difftool and git mergetool:

  • To compare two revisions of a model using the MATLAB diff tool, type:

    If you do not provide revision IDs, git difftool compares the working copy to the repository copy.

    If you do not specify which model you want to compare, command-line Git will go through all modified files and ask you if you want to compare them one by one.

  • To resolve a merge conflict in a model using the MATLAB merge tool, type:

    If you do not specify which model you want to merge, command-line Git will go through all files and ask you if you want to merge them one by one.


SourceTree is an interactive GUI tool that visualizes and manages Git repositories for Windows and Mac.

  1. Configure the MATLAB diff and merge tools as SourceTree external tools:

    1. With SourceTree open, click Tools > Options.

    2. On the Diff tab, under External Diff / Merge, fill the fields with the following information:

  2. Configure your repository to automerge changes in different subsystems in the same SLX file using the mlAutoMerge executable file:

    1. Open the global .gitconfig file and add:

    2. Open the .gitattributes file in your repository and add:


Customize the full path of the mlDiff, mlMerge, and mlAutoMerge executables to match both the MATLAB installation and the operating system you are using. For more information, see Finding the Full Paths for MATLAB Diff, Merge, and AutoMerge.

To use the MATLAB diff tool from within SourceTree, right-click a modified file under Unstaged files and select External Diff.

To use the MATLAB merge tool when SourceTree detects a merge conflict, select the Uncommitted changes branch, right-click a modified file, and select Resolve Conflicts > Launch External Merge Tool.

Integration with SVN


With TortoiseSVN, you can customize your diff and merge tools based on the file extension. For example, to use MATLAB diff and merge tools for SLX files:

  1. Right-click in any file explorer window and select TortoiseSVN > Settings to open TortoiseSVN settings.

  2. In the Settings sidebar, select Diff Viewer. Click to specify the diff application based on file extensions.

  3. Click and fill the fields with the extension and the mlDiff executable path:

  4. Click and repeat the same steps to add another file extension.

  5. In the Settings sidebar, select Diff ViewerMerge Tool. Click to specify the merge application based on file extensions.

  6. Click and fill the fields with the extension and mlMerge executable path:

  7. Click and repeat the same steps to add another file extension.

You can now use the MATLAB tools for diff and merge the same way you would use the TortoiseSVN default diff and merge applications.


Automerging binary files with SVN , such as SLX files, is not supported.

Integration with Other Source Control Tools

Perforce P4V

With Perforce® P4V, you can customize your diff and merge tools based on the file extension. To use MATLAB diff and merge tools for SLX files, for example:

  1. In Perforce, click Edit > Preferences.

  2. In the Preferences sidebar, select Diff. Under Specify diff application by extension (overrides default), click .

  3. In the Add File Type dialog box, enter the following information:

  4. Click .

  5. In the Preferences sidebar, select Merge. Under Specify merge application by extension (overrides default), click .

  6. In the Add File Type dialog box, enter the following information:

  7. Click and repeat the steps for other file extensions.


Customize the full path of the mlDiff and mlMerge executables to match both the MATLAB installation and the operating system you are using. For more information, see Finding the Full Paths for MATLAB Diff, Merge, and AutoMerge.

You can now use the MATLAB tools for diff and merge the same way you would use the Perforce default diff and merge applications.

Related Topics

Tag: git,merge,conflict,atlassian-sourcetree,merge-conflict-resolution

I was using NetBeans GIT plugin before, then I've decided to switch to SourceTree, as it is more efficient and powerful. As a newcomer to SourceTree I've managed to figure out basic Pull, Push and Commit workflows.

However, I got stuck when there were file conflicts when merging with my friend's work. In NetBeans if there are any conflicts, the plugin suggest to resolve it in a popup and I just want to go to the conflict resolving interface and accept the correct code chunk by clicking a button. That was simple.

In SourceTree, there is something called External Merge Tool which didn't work well for me. When I right click on the file with conflicts, it just opened up two files side by side and there were arrows pointing left to right in the middle. There is a dropdown at the bottom of the screen to select the arrow direction.

I tried to use this interface to resolve conflicts, but I failed. It didn't fix the conflicts and merged two files.

As I searched through the internet I found that some people use external SourceTree conflict solving plugins to merge. Actually I'm little lost here. That's why I've decided to post this problem here as this might help someone like me one day.

I know there are lots of people who have been using SourceTree for a long time. Could any of them please tell me, how to resolve conflicts in SourceTree effectively?

Should I use an external plugin or should I use the External Merge Tool (if so, how can I use this)?

I'm using SourceTree along with TortoiseMerge/Diff, which is very easy and convinient diff/merge tool.

If you'd like to use it as well, then:

Launch external merge tool for sourcetree mac download
  1. Get standalone version of TortoiseMerge/Diff (quite old, since it doesn't ship standalone since version 1.6.7 of TortosieSVN, that is since July 2011). Links and details in this answer.

  2. Unzip TortoiseIDiff.exe and TortoiseMerge.exe to any folder (c:Program Files (x86)AtlassianSourceTreeextras in my case).

  3. In SourceTree open Tools > Options > Diff > External Diff / Merge. Select TortoiseMerge in both dropdown lists.

  4. Hit OK and point SourceTree to your location of TortoiseIDiff.exe and TortoiseMerge.exe.

After that, you can select Resolve Conflicts > Launch External Merge Tool from context menu on each conflicted file in your local repository. This will open up TortoiseMerge, where you can easily deal with all the conflicts, you have. Once finished, simply close TortoiseMerge (you don't even need to save changes, this will probably be done automatically) and after few seconds SourceTree should handle that gracefully.

The only problem is, that it automatically creates backup copy, even though proper option is unchecked.

There is an alternate solution to this problem, which uses KDiff3 instead of TortoiseDiff / TortoiseMerge.

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Launch External Merge Tool For Sourcetree Mac Software

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Launch External Merge Tool For Sourcetree Mac Os

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you might want to merge these two repository. here is a answer about how to do this: How do you merge two git repositories? although I will still ask if I have rewritten everything and is better version why I need to worry about the old version. ...

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